
Showing posts from April, 2019

Music that Gets me Every Single Time

This was originally going to be a playlist idea of all the songs that really hit me right in the feels but I started writing them down and now I'm too lazy to make it an actual playlist. And it was originally going to be 10 songs but of course it's 30 now. It's too late for me to bother linking these but I'll probably make a playlist someday. I also thought it would be a nice idea to elaborate why each song gets me every time but then it's too much effort to articulate how each song makes me feel and I think by doing that, it may dilute how pure it is currently. Music is so much more than we give it credit for. Without further ado, here is the list of my top 30 ultimate favourites that make me feel the most feelings that I could think of in the past 30 minutes. "Miss You" by Foster the People "The Beach" by The Neighbourhood "Instant Crush" by Daft Punk "Passionfruit" by Drake "There is a Light that Never goes out