I wrote this post as an answer to a very dear friend's request a couple of years ago. Nice to have a log of these kind of things.
1. Pugs/Dogs
2. Pirogi
3. Jigsaw puzzle
4. Oranges
5. Sleep
6. Knitting
7. Long walks
8. Singing
9. Listening to music
10. Dreams
11. Period dramas
12. Travelling - train, bus and plane
13. Chocolate
14. Tea
15. Love
16. Roller coasters
17. Long drives
18. Having a quiet conversation when it is quiet
19. Animated movies and cartoons
20. Playing with babies and infants
21. Taking photos
22. Painting my nails
23. Wearing eyeliner
24. Oiling my hair and tying two plaits
25. Looking through old things I have saved for memory safekeeping
26. Dancing with abandon
27. That energetic healthy feeling after working out at the gym
28. When my hair is played with
29. Way 'he' smiles at me
30. When I shower after sweating a lot in the heat and sun
31. New shampoo/soap/conditioner
32. Lip balms
33. Crying when I am feeling low, moody or hormonal
34. Jumping up and down
35. Doing any arithmetic in my head, computer or on paper
36. Reminiscing about the past
37. Planning for the future :)
38. Feeling very excited in the present ;)
39. Really writing or expressing and experiencing my feelings like water
40. Swimming
41. Star gazing
42. Moon gazing
43. Seeing friends after a very long time
44. The rain
45. Snow :)
46. Vodka with orange juice = Screwdriver
47. Wine
48. Candy Crush level clearing
49. Cake
50. Cheese fries
51. Chicken sausages
52. Chicken ham and spam (luncheon meat)
53. Jam
54. Bananas
55. Air plane food
56. Lemon
57. Powder
58. The colour yellow
59. My mom
60. Samosa
61. Taco Bell
62. Polish things
63. Breakfast cereal and muesli
64. Milkshakes
65. Momos
66. Karaoke
67. Stand up comedy shows
68. Poetry
69. Scrabble
70. Sunglasses
71. Floral wedges
72. Summer prints and dresses and tunics that cinch at the waist
73. Handmade soaps
74. Cookies
75. Bad jokes
76. Beaches
77. Laughing till it hurts
78. Inside jokes
79. Ironic jokes and puns
80. Smell of detergent
81. Smell of petrol
82. Hot water bag
83. Socks
84. Massages
85. Holding hands
86. Colouring books
87. Running
88. Water
89. Playing with a flame
90. Bubbles
91. Pay day
92. Towels comforters and bedsheets
93. Gzarniek
94. Sunflowers
95. Reading stories
96. Writing stories
97. Sunday
98. My sister
99. Her dog
100. Time