Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Plain to see

The singularity of pain
Seemingly without respite

The pain of a stubbed toe
Of contracting uterine muscles
Of a dash of the shin into the edge of the table
Of tiny joints in the knee collectively ganging up on you
Exactly the same yet exactly different

Pain is unifying
Though solid yet fleeting
A thoughtful "I know"
A thought "this is the last of it now"
Small kindnesses we give each other
Making it just a little bit more bearable

Pain lives in the brain
Pain you can exorcise methodically 
If you just calm your frayed nerves
Control your breath, gradually unflexing
The tightly held fists
The strained thigh and glute muscles
Pain is thus, purely physical, if only you separate the you from the you feeling it

Pain shared is pain saved
Pain spoken about is pain dissipated
Pain written about is pain cathartically removed


I used AI to make my chai this morning.   Why? Because I wanted to see if I’d still get that dopamine hit from something I didn’t even make....