Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The renegotiation of fear

Try as you might, fear follows, like a shadow, in all your pursuits
Fear is an internalised response to trauma from early childhood years
The firsts of new experiences often force us to face fear head on
The first time you are left alone to attend school or made to independently perform chores
The first time you address a crowd or speak your mind during a conflict
The overcoming of fear always involves negotiation and more
Someone famously once said "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself"
That makes so much sense because fear is such a predictable roadblock when charting any new path
It is only once fear is renegotiated, harshly dissuaded, forcefully rebuked, overpowered with grit and sheer strength does it go away
But it doesn't go away for good. It is also a self defense mechanism and therefore protects you from the foolishness of your impulses
Truly it is foolishness that drives greatness
The optimism of naivete propels you to attempt the seemingly impossible


I used AI to make my chai this morning.   Why? Because I wanted to see if I’d still get that dopamine hit from something I didn’t even make....