Sunday, June 27, 2010


Today lounging at home with relatives, watching some lame-ass MTV, the topic of Bollywood came up. We didn't discuss it at length, however. Then later my mom started watching "Kites" on TV, and that got me thinking all the more. Bollywood. Um. I think I should give an introduction to all you readers (I wish! sadly no one reads my blog!!), to this great word. It's the "Hindi Film Industry" of, guess guess, INDIA.
I can't believe my blog's reduced to a platform for me to mindlessly rant about wasted firangs. (more about the 'firangs' thing later.)
SO yeah, Bollywood. I'm really not making this any interesting for you'll I know.
Let's see.
Wow I thought I was in the blogging mood only a SECOND ago.
Ah whatever.
Straight to the 'firang's thing' alright. I was half-watching Kites when I saw one Barbara Mori on screen rambling in fluent Spanish. After 10 minutes of watching my mind drew a blank, and went WTF! she can't even speak the language (in the movie, I know, but still), and yet Hrithik Roshan's all into her. I mean I do SEE why, but, uh, back to, she doesn't even SPEAK the language!
That got me thinking, she's only casted because she's Barbara Mori, not Anchal Pandit (Don't ask me, but for some reason I'm feeling Anchal Pandit as a prospective Bollywood actress) (No offense to Anchal Pandit, if you exist.) (Oh and imma google you later just for fun.) (what are the chances anyway that she, if she exists, will read this?) (except if she googles herself and my link pops up) (wow this is has got to be my longest bracketing spree!)
Anyway, my point was, only because she's a Firang does she stand a chance to be signed in a big bollywood budget wala movie!
OK, somehow I don't feel like re-expressing my views about the subject so imma now copy the chat with my friend, (and about the only devoted blog follower, Taneesha!!) that inspired me to blog about this in the first place! OH and another note, 'connect the dots', get my point, after reading this chat because I'm in a very not-bothered-anymore mood about it now to explain. And if you didn't understand still, then screw it, I'm admittedly accepting that this post is not Kamna Readable-worthy anyway.

Taneesha says:
btw, did you see kites? ha
Kamna says:
my mom's watching it now :D :S
Taneesha says:
hahaa my thoughts exactly ;) like it's not even been a month since it realased and it's on TV already. wow
Kamna says:
I know how sad na!
Taneesha says:
Kamna says:
it's so lame. she can't even speak the language!
Taneesha says:
i know. and why the hell are they getting mexicans in bollywood? or for that matter, firangs?
Kamna says:
because they want to make it as sexual a gimmick as possible. because that's what it has reduced to now a sexual gimmick
Taneesha says:
Kamna says:
and firangs sell!
Taneesha says:
hahaa yup!
Kamna says:
with their flat-breasted horribly aging skin and I'll-sleep-with-all-directors attitude and general bimbo-sity
Taneesha says:
oh yeah. maybe you can blog about the firang selling
Kamna says:
haha. really?
Taneesha says:
yeah. i've written soooooooooooo many fillers in my blog ha
Kamna says:
is that what my blog's reduced to? a platform for me to mindlessly rant about wasted firangs?
Taneesha says:
Kamna says:
wow my english is so good tonight. I'm using all nice big words!
Taneesha says:
it's just an issue no one's thought about
Kamna says:
hasn't it though?
Taneesha says:
:) i know what you mean ha
Kamna says:
I mean. it feels like such a used topic. maybe it's cause it's bollywood associated
Taneesha says:
but then all topics are used
Kamna says:
and bollywood is so overdone. okay I'm blogging XD


As you can see, Taneesha favourite colour is not green. :)

 Note: For all you non-Indian readers, I do hope this is unoffensive to you, as I don't intend to offend ALL foreigners. It's just them wannabe Bollywood actresses from Norway for eg. that get on my nerves a bit. :)


  1. Awww! Babe, what a good post!!!! :D :D And green! No wonder you were asking me last night, ha :D



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