Note From The Dead

Hey Jeremy,

You know how they show it in the movies, that when you die, your life flashes before your eyes?
Well that's bullshit. Ask me. I know.
Because I am dead. If you've not noticed yet.
When I died it was no dramatic affair.
No colossal fight with it; no fight as such to survive.
No loud noises. It was quiet when I died. And quick.
I wasn't shot or stabbed. I wasn't murdered.
I didn't take my life either. I was too brave for that. You know that.
It wasn't a peaceful death. People should not confuse peace with silence. It can be really noisy and yet you can be peaceful.
I just died, you know.
Of course you don't. You're alive.
No fancy heaven with angels after either. No after life. No God lounging in his blue-yellow pajamas on his cloud couch giving you the peace sign. That would be funny. I would laugh at his face if that happened. But it didn't happen.
Nothing happened.
I'm still here, except I am not here.
I will be waiting for you on the other side. This being the other side, if you know what I mean. Of course you don't know what I mean. You don't know what it feels like to be dead. The other side is a world, quite like yours, except it's completely inverted. It's a mirror image of your world. We are in a parallel world where what's your left is our right. Although we're in a parallel world, we coexist in the same place. We complement your world. We're in the space you are not. It's fun. I get to float all the time.
And at least you get to write notes to your boyfriend who has probably not noticed you're dead yet. That's the upside.
Also, I don't have to worry about food.

Yours with tons of spook,


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