Sunday, May 23, 2021

2021: The Indian COVID Poem

Januar-eally feeling good about 2021
Februar-eally feels like we've beaten the virus
March-anges are unwelcome and frightening 
April-ots of people get COVID all of a sudden
May-ou do some fundraising for relief
June-ow we all scramble to get the vaccine
July-ing in bed at night worrying a little less
August-rive to brace ourselves for wave 3
September-eady to kick it's sorry oriental butt
October-eally hopeful that the worst is over
November-s of this fiery pandemic are dying
December-igghtttt! No cases for days now!

Saturday, May 15, 2021

A Love Note to Fruit

Monday I spent 30 minutes or so
Devouring an 80% ripened banana
Fascinated by the tiny banana seeds
The 3 part geometric break in its cylinder
The shape, size and tapered form
Each banana, like a fingerprint, unique 
My heart is full and my soul is sated

Tuesday I cut open a large watermelon 
As I made decisive, familiar cuts of chunks
I pondered over its resilience
Contentment with living just to be consumed
Its end, a home in horse or human bowels
So fluid, so beautifully rich in red
My heart is full and my soul is sated 

Wednesday I welcomed the sight of papaya
That unique Pantone orange 
Fleshy deliciousness in all its diced glory
A womb of tantalizingly shiny black seeds
Intimidatingly bitter & imperfect outside
Concealing a world of peculiar flavour
My heart is full and my soul is sated

Thursday I grabbed a refrigerated apple
Mindfully crunched a mouthful
Silently appreciating how wholly sized it is
How perfectly shaped for holding
A single serving size it's very nature
Along with a most special, appetizing scent 
My heart is full and my soul is sated

Friday I peeled a mosambi or sweet lime
Peeling, not slicing, so that the reward of it
The citrus surprise of it would be better
It took me a good 15 minutes to unravel
To meticulously puncture each little string
Marvelling at unabashed bursts of freshness
My heart is full and my soul is sated

Saturday I said a prayer of thanks for chikoo
As I knifed into its flesh I sat in awe
And amazement at nature's bounty
So seemingly dull with its brown cover
Yet greatly gratifying gorgeousness
Such surprising spheres of sweetness
My heart is full and my soul is sated

Sunday my mom handed me fresh coconut
My front molars rejoicing with every slicing 
The effort it takes to reveal its inner secrets 
Musing how its the onion of the fruit kingdom
One makes you cry, the other breaks furniture
But the work, as usual, is more than worth it
My heart is full and my soul is sated

My Crusade for a Children's Fiction Revolution

Children needs have evolved over the years. They are smarter, more intuitive and curious. Today's children demand non stop stimulation.

Society has evolved beyond recognition. Most parents are no longer full-time parents. Most families are smaller with rarely any grandparents and in a lot of cases just a single parent. Most parents are also more proactive and involved in what their children are consuming - be it their nourishment from food, education or entertainment.

For a long time now there has been a growing need for high quality education that doesn't feel like a lesson plan from 20 years ago and schooling that goes beyond question papers, Zoom calls and yawning students.

More than ever, today's children need empowerment. They need a push to use their imagination. They need the opportunity to apply their evolved minds. They need to not be funneled to choose a career, work till death and scale invisible corporate ladders in the pursuit of money and then some. Their minds must be unshackled and let loose to run wild beyond the confines of screens. Their minds need not fester with screen addiction from the age of three. 

We need stronger children who can raise themselves up. We need children whose minds are creatively cultivated, who sharpen their empathy and transform into compassionate individuals with a strong sense of ownership of who they are in the world - their sense of self.

We need to assess what specific value systems and what life skills are most crucial in shaping children into self sufficient powerhouses of talent.

Similarly, we need to identify culprits responsible that seed wrong, outdated or irrelevant ideas into their minds. It could be an innocent old movie. Or a nursery rhyme. Or even toys.

Children will ultimately grow in any environment. But as parents, the steering wheel of that growth is in our hands. We decide, just like the media with news does today, or WhatsApp Uncles and Aunties do today, what message is transmitted to these young, keen-to-learn ears.

What I would like to start at some point is writing modern children's fiction in the form of micro stories for today's babies and bachas. But I need direction from you, dear reader. What would you say are 3 top values you'd like your children to inculcate? Doesn't matter if you are a parent or not. Please humour me.

4th Wall in Books

You know how actors break the fourth wall and look into the camera?
I want to do that in a book.
Have the main character think about whether this was a book or even say something like "So I told person x how I was feeling and everything that happened from page 124"


I used AI to make my chai this morning.   Why? Because I wanted to see if I’d still get that dopamine hit from something I didn’t even make....