Joy 🧲

The sway of the sycamore tree's delicate branches

The calm nap face of a dreaming stray dog

The jarringly bright reflection of the sun on a car's dash

Giggling children with half-chewed food in their mouths

A realist sees math, and feels joy

An optimist sees music, and feels joy

A romantic sees poetry, and feels joy 

Math or music or poetry,

Joy is the state most naturally met,

The means to the end matter as much as

  fish bones do to a vegan

  being tidy does to an emotionally fragile hoarder

  a WiFi router to a marine biologist in a submarine

  two dental kits in a ventriloquist's travel bag


  1. Our friendship is like discovering the perfect playlist for life—filled with endless joy

  2. You are a beautiful joy magnet

  3. knowing you is my joy


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