Tuesday, January 28, 2025


I used AI to make my chai this morning.  
Why? Because I wanted to see if I’d still get that dopamine hit from something I didn’t even make.  
I wanted to know if, by outsourcing an experience whose only purpose was my own consumption, it would take away from it.  
By removing the act of boiling water, steeping tea—by only keeping the intent to make it—would I still feel the satisfaction when I took the first sip?  
I read somewhere that you should aim to do hard things. That when you push yourself, when you fight resistance, and break through the boundaries of what you thought you could do, the dopamine hit is bigger.  
But what happens when everything can be done by AI?  
What happens when AI whispers, "I got you," and we stop doing anything at all?  
The dopamine hit then wouldn’t come from the effort, but from the discovery that AI can do more, so we do less.  
But here’s the catch—AI will do more, and we’ll feel less.  
Less joy.  
Less self-reliance.
Less confidence.
Less you.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

I'm full of it 😅

My heart is full of grace
for what I have, and been given
As those are two different things
What I have is what I choose to keep
What I've been given is by, of, and from love

My heart is full of hunger
for what I am to learn
So much to see and do
Seeking discomfort like a junkie
Yet anxious because of fleeting, slippery time
The newness of knowledge and unasked for wisdom
like holes in a blanket of complacency and self righteousness

My heart is full of discontentment
for everything I've told myself I need
but don’t have yet
Yearning and obsession with the idea that what I need will save me from who I am
like holding onto sand so tight that it's a palmful of nothing by the time I'm ready to open up

My heart is full of grief
for all I have lost
Versions of myself I miss like I would an old dear friend
Corners and drawers in a room that no longer exists
Except in the squiggly creases of long term memory

My heart is full of hope
that is largely little; sometimes large and sometimes little
Ultimately at the core is a forever optimist hiding behind the ruse of self-deprecation and self-pity 
Hope that I will endure, I must endure 
Ready to do the work
The work that is work enough
The end of the tunnel famously brims bright

Another one about pain ✌️

What's a reasonable amount to bleed?
I bet it is too much if you pass out from it?
Is it too much if standing up feels like work?
It's a chore isn't it? Being a woman with lady parts
It is exhausting, mentally & physically
A bright Sunday morning that's supposed to feel open and euphoric and free
Made inconvenient and messy and uncomfortable
Parts that can't be dismantled, pain that can’t be shared
It's a lonely cross to bear

Tuning in 🎵

I wasn't trying to be polite
When I said that you sang without rhythm
You just don't wait for the song to flow like I do
You rewrite the rules for how music should feel
I confess it is not rare I mean to be mean but,

I like when you sing when you see I'm blue
Tuneless and a little stupid, I still sense the melody
Tuning out I could be, tired too
I rewrite the rules when it comes to tuning into you

Monday, June 24, 2024

Joy 🧲

The sway of the sycamore tree's delicate branches

The calm nap face of a dreaming stray dog

The jarringly bright reflection of the sun on a car's dash

Giggling children with half-chewed food in their mouths

A realist sees math, and feels joy

An optimist sees music, and feels joy

A romantic sees poetry, and feels joy 

Math or music or poetry,

Joy is the state most naturally met,

The means to the end matter as much as

  fish bones do to a vegan

  being tidy does to an emotionally fragile hoarder

  a WiFi router to a marine biologist in a submarine

  two dental kits in a ventriloquist's travel bag

Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Punchline is Inside

I bite my tongue the instant the doctor's assistant punches holes into 7 crisp report printouts
I bite now, that's my thing
If knuckle nails is to wolverine
Unbidden masochistic biting is to me, I'm wolver-rani
My teeth, it is the one good thing I got from my father
The very same set of even molars, aesthetic incisors and sharp canines
And how I choose to care for it is to not
Barring the nighttime brushing routine
There is daily jhanjhanahat they must endure
In the form of cold water and hot oatmilk chai
But enough about crowns bound to jaws
I didn't come out of my writer's block for this
What I did want to write about is the philosophical undertone of teeth clenching and what it means about control, or the lack of it
About wanting to keep your head (and jaw) above water because life is not consistently kind
About being a drama queen, with crowns plural, who seeks sympathy in oatmilk chai because dairy is apparently not my friend, and supposedly never was
I wanted to write to not wallow in glorious 'woe is me'
But to wander though a thoughtscape of words that I don’t hold back
Certainly not through clenched teeth, but lay free and untethered
And endless jabs of the keys later, feel like a return to safe place much like home
A home I left behind years ago
A home I wasn't born in
But many versions of me were

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The renegotiation of fear

Try as you might, fear follows, like a shadow, in all your pursuits
Fear is an internalised response to trauma from early childhood years
The firsts of new experiences often force us to face fear head on
The first time you are left alone to attend school or made to independently perform chores
The first time you address a crowd or speak your mind during a conflict
The overcoming of fear always involves negotiation and more
Someone famously once said "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself"
That makes so much sense because fear is such a predictable roadblock when charting any new path
It is only once fear is renegotiated, harshly dissuaded, forcefully rebuked, overpowered with grit and sheer strength does it go away
But it doesn't go away for good. It is also a self defense mechanism and therefore protects you from the foolishness of your impulses
Truly it is foolishness that drives greatness
The optimism of naivete propels you to attempt the seemingly impossible

Friday, May 12, 2023

My friend Al

Lady Danbury's handmaiden goes by Coral
Everything in this room is covered in prints that are floral
Including my pyjamas, and they are pink, just another detail you may find banal
Tonight after many a night I've got a private listening session going with my favorite song playing plural
That means multiple favourite songs not the same one on repeat, and it's the ones most jovial
Including some that feel like hugs, comforting and sweet, although aural
The poem where every line ends with a rhyme is a good one? It's merely conventional 
Usual, ideal and bland, like oatmeal

Sunday, February 05, 2023

Prime Time for Preening

Abundantly beguiled with adverbs
Little sense prevails in fistful blurbs
While insomnia disturbs me in these suburbs
"Yet your faith remains in sleep tea herbs"

Obnoxiously inane wordplay is my vice
"It would be tolerable if it were nice"
While a tsunami of ideas arrive undisguised
Elusively my friend sleep skates over thin ice

If not self pity, atleast I can self deprecate
Although I can say this stuff's hard to replicate
"Write for the sake of it, don't you complicate"
Without an inner voice, nobody could placate

Not subconsciously profound is my belief
"This writing serves up only comedic relief"
The seriousness if any, is unsuspectingly brief
Comes and goes swiftly & cunningly as a thief

I waited mere minutes, maybe three
"To make the next line rhyme with 'free'?"
Am I at Mount Everest, have I peaked?
Or is it the intramural fibroid, BRB I must pee

Aaand I'm back, you're reading never ceased
An hour has passed, but to you no increase
I dare attempt to control what time has seized
"How about a joke to set the mind at ease?"

Gurgling babies keep the Gram's relevance
Joyful fragility of smallness & incoherence
Only after the climb can you begin descent
"NOT a joke! Plus a random turn, I dissent"

"When will it end, sunrise will be here in a few" 
Rather feels like an arduously long queue
Blink twice and find yourself rescued
Smile as the hue of dawn dawns on cue

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Plain to see

The singularity of pain
Seemingly without respite

The pain of a stubbed toe
Of contracting uterine muscles
Of a dash of the shin into the edge of the table
Of tiny joints in the knee collectively ganging up on you
Exactly the same yet exactly different

Pain is unifying
Though solid yet fleeting
A thoughtful "I know"
A thought "this is the last of it now"
Small kindnesses we give each other
Making it just a little bit more bearable

Pain lives in the brain
Pain you can exorcise methodically 
If you just calm your frayed nerves
Control your breath, gradually unflexing
The tightly held fists
The strained thigh and glute muscles
Pain is thus, purely physical, if only you separate the you from the you feeling it

Pain shared is pain saved
Pain spoken about is pain dissipated
Pain written about is pain cathartically removed

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Going to be gone

I made that arduous journey today
I thought that thought
I went there where the full spectrum of what I could imagine was realized
Mind, very unkindly, stretched to its maximum
Manifesting my deepest fear just through the power of thinking it, and without any transit
A red eye to what feels like self destruction 
At 3.33 am, am I to find my way back to sleepy oblivion?
Or am I too doomed, try as I might:
A mere prisoner locked in my own brain cells for the night?
I won't make any bones about it anymore
Had I faced the morning without this forced revelation, I would have been weak
Lasted about a miserable week
Before the thought, unthought and elusive
Would sprung up unwanted and unbidden
And then I'd be a body of just namesake bones
Not in the least ready to face the onslaught
The attack of the most unpleasant of all ideas
That one day all that will be left is bones
Of the ones I hold on to so tightly
That I harbour attachment to beings who are but a phenomenon called existence
Of being human as a human being
That I am myself a phenomena 
Transient yet complete as a washing machine cycle
Going through the same preset of motions as those who have departed before us
What is waiting for us is hidden in plain view
Like a naughty child behind opaque curtains
We are but freed when its time to go is what is said
We are fed that our physicality is happilly abandoned for the freedom of flying
But it is truly the most unknowable thing
What happens when you die
All you can do is hope you leave for grazing greener grass
Theorize that it is a relieving, and revealing experience
Like the ultimate putting down of papers
The hanging of your towel after the last shower
Rinsing flesh that won't feel the gush of life
The towel, dried freshly by the sun brings warmth to the next user
That is all one can hope for
That is all you can do
That all that is knowable is neither why we came here
Nor where we go when we leave
But we can fulfill but a simple duty
We can leave behind comfort for those who outlive us
And with that resolution, I assume the responsibility to live so
To allow bodily functions like sleep to hijack me
To permit the day and all that it brings to take place
To live like a being attached to other beings
With hopefully just a little more awareness


I used AI to make my chai this morning.   Why? Because I wanted to see if I’d still get that dopamine hit from something I didn’t even make....