Monday, October 05, 2020

🐳 Hemingway 👴

For forty four minutes today I napped
Dreamless, divine, sweet and deep 
I forget this occasionally:
Control is a futility, in matters of sleep

Elastic is the mind but oh it snapped
Might give into the shortlived weep
Then it is easy to accept resolutely:
Climbing's hard, when the hill is steep

My joints jolt, the ones that are capped
But the knee can do with some upkeep
With this I continue my sprint strongly:
Keep moving, or become a scrap heap

Potential isn't missing, but untapped 
Examine inwards and be ready to leap
The point I must propose pressingly:
With direction, what is sown can reap

My words lay vulnerable; unwrapped
Seeking validation, I risk a peep
But then I epiphanize suddenly:
What I have, is what I choose to keep

Monday, September 28, 2020

A love note to ideas

I worry about -
- not having enough space for you
- the available mindspace not being fertile enough for your nourishment. Like a middle aged Indian aunty fussing over a houseguest
- the confines of my mind not being enough for you to be conjured with the sass and spontaneity they show in movies. No fiery a-HA! moment would be possible because of all my careful caution
not being open enough and rejecting you without reasoning

You're just an idea who will -
- pay only as much rent as would be the agreement 
- take up only so much space as per my consent 
- continue your tenancy for only as long as I want you around 
- stay conspicuously absent unless I bring you front and center to the living room of my head

You're just an idea who could -
- breathe new life into old, likely rusty, chains of thought
- delicately or assertively rubbish old comfortable notions 
- change the way I feel about the morning sun 
- radically impact my sense of humour about life 
- fuck with my deep seated complacency 

I see you for what you are while you're outside my mind -
- defenseless
- standing on just the one leg
- hopeful
- a stranger not entirely in disguise
- cleverly trying to create familiarity 
- as if you need me more than I do

But if I let you in, all I have to do is -
- welcome you with fortification and whole hearted acceptance
- not question you or be so suspicious of your motives
- understand how potent you could be to aligning or altering the other solid ideas you will make your acquaintance

So I just need to be aware of the fact that
- you can only be brought to life with my adoption of you
- you can't sustain outside of my brain for too long as time is fleeting 
- you rarely make a stop like meteors from a big bang
- you chose, of a billion other minds, mine to visit
- you're already mine, regarless of whether you'll belong in my mind 
- you are precious, and you have purpose, just like the mind you intend to inhabit

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

If I had to make sense I wouldn't ask for your 2 cents

Where are the holes in this smooth blanket?
Forgotten like long buried potted plants from the nursery
Woe is me again as I'm 
Swollen and puffy
from dental surgery

Could you snooze & doze till noon?
Dreams of lavender fields
& cherry blossom trees
Sunday morning feeling
all the way
through September and June

What can be scary at this height?
Friskiness and recklessness
feeling like buddies
Only and always, at the very edge
do I dare to recognize
my self inflicted plight 

Will we sit in pregnant, forebearing silence?
Observing with awe
new lines on each other's forehead
Like in a new school notebook
With every swoop of a tightly held pencil
a small imperceptible smile of confidence 

Would it be ridiculous to splurge on both a new guitar and piano?
The frilly white dress is hanging off the window sill in plain sight
My hair is fresh, too damp from my longish shower 
It's been 2 years since I wrote a song
So if you nod now, I may take that to positively mean "no"

Why do I love the logical?
You have to entertain the possibility of the wrong path
Simulate the path till the wrong end is seen in the mind's eye and ruled out 
So the satisfaction when you arrive at the right path is all the fruitier
And I like fruits and fal

Friday, September 11, 2020

Spot me some supper and send me on my way

Sipping directly from a gigantic orange while in the backseat of the Jeep on the way to Abidjan

Salivating over a box of mulberries in the Opel Corsa through the ghats on the way to Panchgani

Stuffing myself with fresh Rabdi from a clay pot in the 2nd class sleeper train at Mount Abu station

Snarfing down a quintessential NYC hot dog while admiring the Lady of Liberty on the Staten Island Ferry

Sitting, mind simmering with steaming plastic containers of Gushtaba on my lap in the Shikara on Dal lake

Sampling my first ever Starbucks gazing out of Star Ferry on the way to Tsim Sha Tsui

Sharing a pack of Haldiram's Aloo Bhujiya on the bus to Mysore Palace

Snacking on a Princessa candybar on the Polskibus to Krakow

Satiating my appetite with some Boots meal deal sandwiches on the London Tube to Camden Town 

Scooping greedy bites of strawberry cheesecake icecream on a Ferry in Sydney's Circular Quay 

Snarfing down a magazine coneful of Sukha Bhel on a Local train to Vashi

Savouring a 7-Eleven Onigri while on the Shinkansen to Shibuya

Snarfing down an unhealthy amount of Skittles while riding shotgun into Flagstaff

Swallowing handfuls of roasted whole peanuts on the Neeta bus to Pune

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Spontaneous condensation

I inhale slow and deep
Imagining the oxygen in the air
grow heavy
Heavy enough to dampen
like a single lonely rain cloud
Then lay a generous drop on my parched tongue

Making waves with my arms
every time I decide it's too cold 
Or too hot
Or when my own pulse is too loud in my ears

Thinking about counting how long it would have been since I last saw sand
Felt it beneath greedy soles succumbing into the gravity of the low tide

158 days 
If my math is right 

Since I wore shoes
with socks
Or heels with straps

Held my hair to my ears
during a windy morning
auto rickshaw ride

Sipped cheap, overly sweet tea
from styrofoam cups
Out of a whim
From just finding a 10 rupee note from the bum pocket

Rode an elevator with perfume and body odour both wafting
Scents I can never place
but were familiar as the wind itself

Walked on a busy footpath
on the side of incoming traffic
Just for the thrill of it
And get much more than I would like to seek

158 days since I crossed any road
Seen the lazy yet loving stray dogs
Sat in an Uber
Used my trusty green umbrella

I hold on for too long in this thought canopy
I will will sleep
to barge into this insomniac mind
Despite the thirsty throat plus swelling bladder

But then I give up
Pry open unwilling lids tightly squeezed out of stubbornness
Drink that damn glass of water and empty my bladder

Get back under the covers
And the cycle, at my behest, begins again 

Wednesday, August 05, 2020


Where with a sea view and vows we started our nuptials full of joy and plenty of pale ale

Now we slither into separate tiny cots in an oldage home forgotten with faceless nurses, the fabric of our skin, breadlike and stale

Where once we would play online chess through bites of cheddar sandwiches, our unwashed selves hidden through the internet's comfortable veil

Now we stand too close in this infirmary bath sharing soap, sliced through the middle, all thanks to your weirdly sharp big toenail

Where being puzzled and brainstorming in the middle of an airport terminal: was it egg or chicken that came first and why the chicken crossed the road or was it rail

Now we samba with fingers on the shared bedside table, my phalange chubbiness against your papery thumbs, until our eyes give unto sleep, surrender to fail

Where it started sixty seven years ago with me checking you out and began to end fifty nine years later when you checked us into this jail

Now every day is a Sunday repeated in shadows of sunsets I half remember as nice and you misremember as too yellow: sights from that boat left alone to sail

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Do Re Mi Poemy

Abuzz and alight 
Listening to the night 
Tired but alive and so I decide to write

Shall I suggest that you please mind my thought canopy
Where ideas are microwaved rather than slow roasted, maybe not your fancy
Where the imagination has an amazing line of credit with no extra fee

Obsessive tongue cleaning, brushing with soft bristles while trying to be quiet
The act of teeth brushing always significant, luxurious, full of bite
It's the hours after dark when morning tasks somehow feel quite right

Busied by nocturnal loveliness at the edge of the bed where I'm sat
Watching the papaya tree, her branches distressed by the clutches of an awkwardly tiny baby bat
Just how much damage could the little one do? I attempt to work out the math

What's this life for, if not for questions that probe deep, that dare to seek?
Contemplating the cons of a templatized week
Amidst a depraved world with pouring news in varying degrees of bleak

What a small existence is mine, castled in with all this comfort in sight
No flight or fight and no need for might
Trying to be meaningful typing into a 6 inch screen with a blue filter so not so bright

Another day ticked off on the wall calendar tomorrow, another passing date
I have to, tomorrow, wake up at eight Despite being in bed early I end up sleeping late

I'll be back in a cushioned chair with all the peeking of my growing bottom parts
Somewhere soldiers are laying down their lives on battle lines, so dutiful in their hearts
While on my keyboard nimble mindlessness of fingers tap away, creating pivot charts

I was born with stubby toes and that's why I'm called stubborn
I'm supposed to get better at the stuff I like and I'm decent at, but sometimes it's better to unlearn
To let things loose, to allow the alarm to snooze, to be on yourself, a little less stern

Monday, June 01, 2020

Pretty Petri

When was the last time you allowed your own mind to think for itself?
Should you?
The mind is like a petri dish
Delicate like the glass it's made from
See through (at least to you) like it's transparent
It's also completely open
Until you choose to culture bacteria
But in this case, your thoughts
Your thoughts are like bacteria
Some good for you, some bad enough to infect the good ones
But it's up to you to mind that petri dish
So no, you shouldn't.

This morning I woke up at 5.41 AM 
The first day of June 
I woke to the ever sweet smell 
of Petrichor
Seeing puddles and very insistent drops falling steadfastly into them 

The first rain of the year is the very first rain for so many baby birds
Bird moms and dads talk about the first rain with gushes of excitement 
Baby bird minds imagine delighting at pretty clear droplets falling down before ever seeing it
I saw a video about how if you give an egg to a dog, they would be very careful not to crack or drop it
Orphaned baby birds probably instinctively feel joy when they see their first rain, without the preparation to feel it

Firsts are so memorable
The first, distinct time I learnt what's right and left, directionally, that is
I was in the second standard and sitting in the far right of the classroom 
The teacher was doing some sort of cute morning exercise with us
We were all standing and swaying about
She said, "go right" and I went left
I remember so clearly because my bench partner went right, toward me
Looking beyond him, so did the rest of the classroom

I know what's right today because of that day 
Small hand reached out, and index finger pointing to the wall to the right of me 
All microsecond flashbacks
Conjured every consecutive time I was asked to go right, almost till I was old enough to know without the visual cue

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Winnie the Talking Poo(c)h

I thought I saw a piece of chocolate on the ground
"That's poop, no doubt" said my good old hound

When he was a little 4 month old puppy, abandoned, he lay in a dirt mound
My little Winnie, in a white plastic bag, with unimaginable cruelty was he bound

If it wasn't for his plea, if it wasn't for that extraordinary sound 
The words "Help me" would have been lost, in the city hubbub, they'd have drowned

A happy day that was, for a forever home Winnie finally found
I named him so, because he won our hearts, and was thus rightly crowned

Talking dog or not, I couldn't have imagined a cooler, more loving family member around
His best talent, however, went beyond his vocab, it's the speed at which food he downed

After fourteen years of gorging mouthfuls of meat by the pound
I trust his sense of smell and walk past that chocolate coloured poop, during our breezy afternoon round

Friday, May 29, 2020

Wham Bam

I drew him a diagram
Explaining the value I derived from being active on Instagram

He said it was a total sham
That so much of my time be devoted
to content created by a phone's cam

But I'm not in it for the glam 
Whiningly I expressed, aching for
a pop of diazepam 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

At War with Words

Do you remember?
Words were the first friend you made
When you were on your own as a child of nine
When reading time at boarding school was once a week in that Hogwarts-like library
Your journey with words has been long and enduring
From being a passive reader of them
To a voracious writer of them

Writing is embedded like a video on a page in your soul
It’s up to you keep that video on autoplay, or mute, or to comment it out
You can’t erase it though, try as you might
It’s your burden to bear and prize to ply

The desire to turn away from the ambiguity of authorship, or to wish for your vocabulary to shrink, these are all very escapist

No one ever warns you or prepares you for the tsunami of words coming at you, coming from you
You think you can be absolved of your art,
But it’s that very art that keeps your head on your shoulders
You know you can’t resist the seduction of it
So go ahead, I’ve just filled up your Faber Castell with the blackest black ink that you love
You have a duty to yourself to fulfill

I have a lot of Sunday poems lol

If this were a regular Sunday
I know exactly where my whim would take me
I’d not be living with trepidation
Imagining I’m Corona positive
Just because the Dunzo guy touched my hand for a milisecond

If this were a regular Sunday
I wouldn't be moping around with a permanent scowl
It’s like ear wax in the ears of Robinson Crusoe
Would he have asked his man Friday to fetch a twig?
Maybe fashioned a earbud from soft yellow petals?

If this were a regular Sunday
I wouldn’t be obsessed with sketching eyes
Filling in the eye balls
Making sure that I leave a hole of white around the dark iris so the eyes look realistic
I’m always enamoured by the symmetry of eyes
How two things that never see eye to eye - literally - can be so aligned, alike, attuned…

If this were a regular Sunday
I wouldn't be marinating in last night's pyjamas till late afternoon
Closing my eyes in the silence
I wouldn't be concentrating long and hard
Imagining I'm far away without a mask and free as free can be

If this were a regular Sunday
I’d be on the beach about 432 steps away
The sea breeze wouldn’t ask for permission
"Oh, could I sweep you away?"
It’d casually threaten my growing frame and then give up for a more mobile prospect ahead

Wrote - Woven

There’s something about us this Sunday
I can’t put my finger on it,
But then again, I can’t put a finger on you

You’re a few hundred kilometers away in your land-locked city
You miss the sea breeze, you say

Being so far apart
Silences can be imagined
Manifested from the lack of face-to-face

I can sense your trepidation
There is such an urgency to reunite
I'm symmetric to you and we're on the same page

Despite the distance, we manage to hold on to each other
I write you 5 words off the top of my head
And you weave me a sweet story

Sunday Sleep

Some days, like today, as you wake up, you’re still asleep
Seep induced lucidity stays till the very first sip of chai
But then after the chai cup is rinsed
After the slow Sunday shower is taken
Somehow sleep, like a pesky pest, tries to sneak back in
Sometimes in the linger of a blink a few seconds too long
Or in the meditative reflection of staring at the "enter" key on your keyboard while the laptop fires up

It’s always those few minutes before sleep, I find, that are the most delicious
The randomness of theories only the confines of your own mind can comprehend

On Sundays like these, I like to take a nap not around acceptable nap-times
The more unusual the time, the better
When you nap from 6 PM to 7 PM
Or even 11 AM to 12 PM
That’s when your mind really reveals itself to you through complex dreams, or indescribably deep, coma-like sleep

Sunday, May 03, 2020

Post Lockdown

This time will be different

When I take the elevator to go downstairs after work
I’ll not linger on the street waiting for the auto
There’s no need to rush
Taking the long way home
I’ll do the 15 minute walk

When my dreams wake me up at 5.43 AM three days in a row
I’ll stay up
I’ll fight the laziness inside
Grab my pink Reeboks that have been unworn for months
I’ll do the morning jog alongside sleeping dogs

When mom’s toothpaste is finally over
I’ll replenish 2, instead of being forced to use the one
I’ll relish the fluoride goodness of my Colgate
And it will bother me no more that she presses on the top of the tube as I’ll be pressing down

When I hear your voice change
When it goes quiet like it used to
I’ll go quiet too
Fighting my stupid impulses
I’ll finally find the strength to leave it alone

When iTunes accidentally shuffles the Lockdown playlist
I’ll smile with knowing
I’ll think of all the insomnia, the longing, the restlessness
And then I’ll hit "next"


For the longest time I’m seeing blue

I sleep facing the window
I used to sleep facing the curtains
But I flipped to the cooler side, where I can be right under the fan
I happen to be right in front of a blue light
I see it when I’m just about to doze off
But it’s starting to feel like it sees me just the same

I dream in black and white
Because I have no memory of colour when I recall my dreams
But off late my dreams are kaleidoscopic
Maybe it’s because I’ve been sleeping in
When the sunlight warms my eyelids
Somehow when you have bright light over closed lids
It looks like the colour blue
And that’s how I dream the blue

The days bleed into the next
The nights blend into the next
And I feel blue

Seeing blue
Dreaming blue
Feeling blue
And today I’m even wearing blue

Blue has been a mood
It’s been a song that I can’t stop singing
A verse I can’t stop writing

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Pop goes the Weasel and Poof goes the Pandemic

Pen your plans on paper
Push people outside your personal perimeter 

Please prevent panic
Percolate positivity through this pandemic

Predict the passage of this peril
Perfect and pour energy into a promising skill

Peace will prevail with the power of prayer
Stay poised despite the persistent pressure

Practice patience and persevere
Life is still beautiful with pain and pleasure

Pages from our poignant past is a preview
A peek into profound suffering mankind's been through

Perhaps what keeps us from plundering
Is knowing that this peculiar pest is perishing

You are predisposed to go participate in this particular predicament
Prudent is the person who prioritises proactive imprisonment

Proclamations in print or in the press
Will point you toward the path of distress

Promoting self isolation isn't policed properly
Private safety is pivotal so prepare for a casualty

Pertaining to products, pouches and packages
Preserve your pantry with prerequisites

Pensively ponder your precious privileged life
Priceless is your position, your lack of strife

Play it safe and protect your family
Put away the passports, bring out those puzzles finally

Close your premises and pools and cancel your parties 
Ping your pals with puns and cover up when you sneeze

Being passive is a pistol in this pertinent period
Being active can lead to piles of bodies in a pit

Perceive this not as poetry but as a prescription
That is pretty with P's and rhymes and alliteration

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Love = Mom

I was 12 years old and my family and I were on our trip to chilly Jammu to visit a temple up very high in the mountains. 

I was afraid of the climb: the almost 10 kilometre hike up the mountain. So my parents put me on a horse to ascend to the very top. On the way up a particularly steep horse path, I happened to look back to see very dense darkness of a pine forest.

It was beautiful, no doubt, but considering it was 12 noon and the rest of the landscape was sunny and bright, that one glance down was quite breathtaking in a thrilling way. 

Almost instantly after I saw this dark forest foliage, the horse bent down low; a misstep that could have very easily cost me my life. 

My heart started beating 10,000 beats per minute and I simply couldn't calm down. I couldn't say anything either as I was all on my own and I had to brave. I was a young girl alone in the mountains and I didn't want to draw any unwanted attention to myself.

In another 15 minutes or so we reached the very top. It was bustling. It was so crowded and I felt so alone. All I wanted was my mom. 

I started walking towards the canteen and to my utter surprise, I saw my mom walking towards me. And my mom was having almost exactly the same expression I wore of being lost and in despair. 

We finally reunited in an embrace I can never forget. It is one of the most amazing moments of my childhood.

The best part is also the meal we had soon after. It was a traditional Punjabi meal of Rajma chawal for 9 rupees a plate. It was perfect in spices, and I can still remember the taste of the thick starchy rice. No meal is complete without dessert and our mother daughter treat of the day was some amazing Malai kulfi.

Till today whenever I have either Rajma chawal or Malai kulfi I am taken back to the top of that mountain, sat besides my mummy in the crowded canteen.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Travel if you must, but at the speed of light and thought too

The moving light is heading to the still light
From all the way up in the stratosphere my guess is that's a car and that's a home
But the moving light doesn't stop at the still light
The car doesn't go home
The moving light is moving, still moving and then I don't see it anymore as my flight is moving much faster
All this happens in less than one second

It's enough to spark this idea that maybe the moving light doesn't need to stop moving
And more importantly
Why did it I want it to run perfectly and then stop and join and unite and meet the still light?

Maybe the still light is happy to stay still
The moving light is happy to keep moving till it decides it wants to be still
Maybe the still light moved a lot too like the moving light did

So then why am I wanting the moving light to collide with another moving light and come together to become one big light?

Maybe that's how stars work too
In the beginning there were two stars that collided into one big star and then the combined star pushed out two more and then those two stars collided eventually to make the second star and so on

But that's like star incest

Monday, February 17, 2020

How much would you pay?

The Holdy is the ultimate smartphone accessory for you to maximize the comfort and enjoyment of your binge streaming sessions whether you're commuting, lounging in bed or working out at the gym.

It's the only accessory that is fully adjustable for use regardless of whether you're sitting, standing or lying down.

The Holdy is available in 4 colours: black, white, blue and red.

The Cocoon is an attachment to your Holdy that is sold separately. It privatizes your mobile watching experience so there are no shoulder surfers catching you smile while you watch your favourite on-screen couple hold hands for the first time.  


I know what song that smell is
The second I get a sniff, it takes me back to that beat
I can hear it resounding in my very bones
A connection too profound to discern

And to go off and reverse the gears:
Should there be a Shazam for scents
Perfumes would sell more than they do
Not knowing what the scent is that triggered the full blown musical in your head is frustrating

Does "within the hour" mean before that specific hour ends or within sixty minutes? Or names that end with the letter "R"?

Does "bi-weekly" mean every 2 weeks or twice a week? Or an Indian maid that comes in weekly?

If I like the sunset more than the sunrise does that mean I like sitting down more than getting back up?

When you find purple bruises on your body it's such a revealing moment because you realize your body is so vast and there is so much buzzing activity - heart being pumped; uterian lining being shed; a follicle under your chin sprouting out a tiny peep of hair. Your body doesn't need you to sign papers, to authorize the many micro deals, joint ventures, contracts, and agreements that your organs make with each other. Your body demands the respect you forget to give it.

Thin wispy brown spiders that eat black ants are the very example of gluttony
To eat what you can't possibly metabolise
That spider has been attempting to do it for over 28 hours now
Still folding the dead black wire-like body into two and yet somehow, like elastic, it retracts back to its original shape

I am amazed by a lot and seek amusement a lot
But I am also sometimes seeking nothing
I am fascinated with the idea that everytime you begin to empty, you are ready to fill; that somehow every time you free or quiet your mind, you have more, not less. It's like your brain grows when you relax it.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Give or Take, it's as it should be

Give into me
I am darkness
I am where the unexpected lives
I am also where you archive things
Things you thought you'd move on from
Things you knew you could revisit later

Take from me what you must
I'll share the thoughts that tickle you
I'll share your favourite stashes of hoarded emotion
I'll share the stuff that makes you smile in a sad way
Stuff you felt you never needed but want anyway
Stuff you got to have, compulsively, unhealthily

Bring me what I like
I like things
I like stuff too
I like things and stuff of my own, believe it or not
Things and stuff that I think I want
Things and stuff that I know I need


I used AI to make my chai this morning.   Why? Because I wanted to see if I’d still get that dopamine hit from something I didn’t even make....